Japan 2013 Day 3: Tokyo Water Bus Ride

From Odaiba Pier, we rode a ferry. The line was a bit long and it took 30 minutes or so before we could enter the ferry. But there was ...

From Odaiba Pier, we rode a ferry. The line was a bit long and it took 30 minutes or so before we could enter the ferry. But there was a waiting area inside wherein you could sit so it was alright.

Tokyo Sky Tree at the back of this building.
Asahi Beer Headquarters.

During the ride, we saw a lot of bridges and infrastructures. The highlights were the differently colored and shaped bridges. 

Dad and me inside the ferry (Photo taken by Erik)

The Himiko Water Bus which we dreamt of riding. ((:
Rainbow Bridge
No man's an island.
We could have alighted at Odaiba Pier where we were really headed. But we alighted at Hinode Pier and walked towards Hinode station. Dad had to go to a meeting so we had lunch in a tonkatsu restaurant in the train station which was connected to the Yurikamome line through Shimbashi station. There were also other piers where the ferry/water bus could stop. Check them out here.

Keep walking.
We were walking a lot in Japan ever since we arrived. I just could imagine the lifestyle people had here. Japanese were definitely a fan of walking since riding cars were not that popular. Driving a car is useless when you can arrive to your destinations on time by riding a train.

By the way, I have no problems with walking.

Next: Odaiba and Minato-Mirai

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