Leap of Faith
Fear is Where The Light Shines Through
5:23:00 AM
Now, I feel that I could do something about fear every time it creeps in. Here are my thoughts to entail the reasons why.
Fear takes up various forms. And yet, the result is the same: Fear freezes and limits us. It makes us stuck in a rut. If we are in a rut for too long, then we are being hindered by something or someone. Because of fear, we can miss out on a beautiful possibility that could be ours.
However, there is good news about fear. Fear is temporary. It only lasts for awhile if you do not let it in. It should not go too deep. When it lingers, it will plant lies to your mind. So bear that thought. Fear does not belong in us.
Fear challenges us. It teaches us to be brave and stand on our feet. Instead of seeing it as a threat, we can see it differently and respond with grace and courage. And grace and courage does not come solely from ourselves.
''Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.'' Psalm 20:7
Through God, we overcome fear. We cannot do it alone. Relying on ourselves means fighting a battle that we have already lost. We are like horses that have wide peripheral vision but have difficulty seeing details. Like horses, we can easily get scared when our surroundings turn from light to dark or when things change. We need a Cavalryman. In order to win over fear, we need a Savior.
''The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.'' Exodus 14:14
Through God, we overcome fear. We cannot do it alone. Relying on ourselves means fighting a battle that we have already lost. We are like horses that have wide peripheral vision but have difficulty seeing details. Like horses, we can easily get scared when our surroundings turn from light to dark or when things change. We need a Cavalryman. In order to win over fear, we need a Savior.
''The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.'' Exodus 14:14
Fear may always come. But fear is where the Light shines through. Because God is already in us, we can be assured of our victory. We can overcome. He makes us brave, strong, and powerful; capable of removing fear within ourselves.
So when God strategizes how to win over fear, listen. Obey what He says. The victory is already ours when we allow God to take control. He desires victory for us. Never allow fear to steal God's promises in our lives. Believe and choose to live without fear.
In every battle, rely on God. He is our sword and shield. Then go for it! Face your fears head on. And let out a cry of an overcomer.
"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord." Proverbs 21:31
"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord." Proverbs 21:31