I Live Through Music
1:23:00 AMMusic is something that I could not resist every single day. When I was little, I used to listen to my parents', mostly my father's CDs of several artists: Amy Grant, Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand, Kenny G, John Denver, The Carpenters, Michael Learns to Rock, Josh Groban, various versions of classical composers, etc. Those listening sessions usually happened because they play it around the house on loud stereo. But I also listened to my favorite groups back then like Backstreet Boys, N*sync, Spice Girls, SClub7, M2M, and so on. I was automatically tuned into them without any feeling of annoyance at all. It seemed like I was living through music.
But of course, I had my likes and dislikes when I was growing up. I had turned into an alternative rock music junkie and tuned into a little hip hop music at times. Of course, my parents wouldn't allow me to listen to rock/hip hop artists at first because they were too noisy and the lyrics weren't that all nice. It's sad to say but Linkin' Park was number one on that list. Then when I started dancing, they eventually allowed me to dance to the hip hop songs.
Today, I thought of some stuff that music has done for me throughout those years of listening to it..
1) Because of music, I am a pianist.
I played classical music when I started. But eventually, I stopped playing when I reached grade 3 and deviated to self-learning of both classical and contemporary. I sometimes regret it that I didn't get to study piano very hard. Because if I do, I would probably be an awesome pianist by now. Ho ho, I wish I was a Fontamillas! But I could still say that I am still learning. I have just started playing the keyboards this year and even though I am more described as "amateur" rather than "awesome," I am happy that my learning is continuous and I'm playing music for the ultimate Reason, not just to please my parents, others, or myself.
2) A lot of songs helped me get through each day of my life.
Obviously, I wouldn't be able to remember all the songs that have changed me. But I wouldn't definitely forget some. Like "I Think God Can Explain" by Splender which has brought me to a sudden realization that God was there in front of me all along, trying to explain the monstrosities of my situation at that time. Another is "Learning To Breathe" by Switchfoot which wholly expressed my struggle between God and the world; that I don't want to live for others or even for myself anymore; I want to live for Him. "Boston" by Austana is one song that I could relate to wholeheartedly for I realized instantly that people aren't the ones whom I should please. Songs speak to me in the strangest ways and I'm so glad that my response to them molded me into a better person each day.
3) I come to know about and meet my favorite band in the whole wide world:
This may sound really repetitive but Switchfoot has really been a huge influence in me. They have been my inspiration throughout those years. And I could say that I couldn't live without listening to one Switchfoot song each day for God speaks to me through their music in the most unexpected ways. Their songs reach me in all aspects of life. And it's really a great blessing that I have already met the awesome guys: Jon, Tim, Drew, Jerome and Chad by making a simple video of me talking about my love for the band and their music: MEET & GREET SWITCHFOOT ON APRIL 30!
I LOVE YOU, SWITCHFOOT. I think this is the first time I have ever said this statement here.
4) Music enabled me to express myself more.
There are no other ways to express myself clearly other than through music. When I was little, I can listen to any kind of music. But when I started growing older, I tend to do lyrical criticism instead. I remembered writing a blog entry about what I look for in a song. I tweaked some a bit because this was 3 years ago already...
5) Music makes everything better.
Whether I'm alone in my room or in a get-together with my closest friends, good music (Yeah, you read that right) makes the surroundings better. It enlightens the mood or sometimes it does the opposite. Either way is good for me because it helps release the appropriate moods in different situations: a person needs a shoulder to cry on, a celebration to start, thoughts to unravel, etc. We all need the help of music sometime in our lives. To me, it is an outlet each day because because I'm not much of a talker.
What I am trying to get at in this blog entry is that music is essential to me and you. I know it is not only me who finds the goodness in music because the world would not be a happy place to live in without music in our ears, without sounds to go by, without lyrics to inspire us as we go on in our daily tasks. Whether some people say that they like and love or hate music, I believe each one of us live through music. It may leave us unaware of it or we may notice it at times, but music is a huge part of our lives. It makes us strong and weary, sad and happy, loud and silent, smart and dumbfounded, and other polarities of some sort.
My simple message is this: Love music, whether it's the whistling of trees or a particular song of an awesome band, and let it change and inspire you!
Today, I thought of some stuff that music has done for me throughout those years of listening to it..
1) Because of music, I am a pianist.

2) A lot of songs helped me get through each day of my life.
Obviously, I wouldn't be able to remember all the songs that have changed me. But I wouldn't definitely forget some. Like "I Think God Can Explain" by Splender which has brought me to a sudden realization that God was there in front of me all along, trying to explain the monstrosities of my situation at that time. Another is "Learning To Breathe" by Switchfoot which wholly expressed my struggle between God and the world; that I don't want to live for others or even for myself anymore; I want to live for Him. "Boston" by Austana is one song that I could relate to wholeheartedly for I realized instantly that people aren't the ones whom I should please. Songs speak to me in the strangest ways and I'm so glad that my response to them molded me into a better person each day.
3) I come to know about and meet my favorite band in the whole wide world:
This may sound really repetitive but Switchfoot has really been a huge influence in me. They have been my inspiration throughout those years. And I could say that I couldn't live without listening to one Switchfoot song each day for God speaks to me through their music in the most unexpected ways. Their songs reach me in all aspects of life. And it's really a great blessing that I have already met the awesome guys: Jon, Tim, Drew, Jerome and Chad by making a simple video of me talking about my love for the band and their music: MEET & GREET SWITCHFOOT ON APRIL 30!
I LOVE YOU, SWITCHFOOT. I think this is the first time I have ever said this statement here.
4) Music enabled me to express myself more.
There are no other ways to express myself clearly other than through music. When I was little, I can listen to any kind of music. But when I started growing older, I tend to do lyrical criticism instead. I remembered writing a blog entry about what I look for in a song. I tweaked some a bit because this was 3 years ago already...
#1 LYRICS -- I don't just listen to any kind of music because it has a nice beat or the singer is great. I go beyond the song itself. I listen to the words first before I can say that the song is good. Or I look for the song's lyrics and read through it.This great love for music is my way for expressing my deepest emotions which I couldn't express in words. They serve as a vessel when I'm too flooded with words and I couldn't make up my mind.
#2 MEANING -- Because I read through the lyrics, I listen to the words. Usually, if I can relate to the song really well, I will mark it as a favorite and give it 5 stars in my Itunes. I adore alternative songs that have deep interpretations in them. Or sometimes I make up my own interpretations. It's fun. I get to place myself in the singer/writer's feet, it's like I'm singing it too.
#3 EVERYTHING ELSE -- Meaning the beat, melody, rhythm, artist, instruments used, etc. The artist is no big deal for me. If the artist is not popular, I don't care. I appreciate them more when they're not making big in the music industry because at least I know there are small people out there who are as awesome as those famous ones. That makes me not a fan of the Top 100 Billboard Charts or My Mix Top 20 or whatever.

Whether I'm alone in my room or in a get-together with my closest friends, good music (Yeah, you read that right) makes the surroundings better. It enlightens the mood or sometimes it does the opposite. Either way is good for me because it helps release the appropriate moods in different situations: a person needs a shoulder to cry on, a celebration to start, thoughts to unravel, etc. We all need the help of music sometime in our lives. To me, it is an outlet each day because because I'm not much of a talker.
What I am trying to get at in this blog entry is that music is essential to me and you. I know it is not only me who finds the goodness in music because the world would not be a happy place to live in without music in our ears, without sounds to go by, without lyrics to inspire us as we go on in our daily tasks. Whether some people say that they like and love or hate music, I believe each one of us live through music. It may leave us unaware of it or we may notice it at times, but music is a huge part of our lives. It makes us strong and weary, sad and happy, loud and silent, smart and dumbfounded, and other polarities of some sort.
My simple message is this: Love music, whether it's the whistling of trees or a particular song of an awesome band, and let it change and inspire you!