Death Cab For Cutie
The Fort Bonifacio
The Fort Global City
Death Cab For Cutie Concert in Manila
5:02:00 PM
Questioning myself if I was in Manila or somewhere else has begun. For a moment, I thought I am standing in a different world of modern humanity. I felt like I am walking in another time in a faraway land. At that moment, I could definitely attest to the statement, "It's more fun in the Philippines." Fun definitely describes the moment. Similarly to having an awesome dream, I no longer wanted to wake up.
Sitting on top of the railing at the left back corner of the room was incomparable to standing on the floor with the other concert goers blocking the stage due to their gifted height. A downcast with my Asian height, I pushed myself up the railing and balanced myself on top. It was quite difficult and scary at first. But honestly, I did not complain much about the distance from the stage and the people around me. The concert became an intimate event wherein every person in the room seemed a DCFC fan. I loved the crowd!
T'was an epiphany. I am still hanging on the verge of Transatlanticism. 24 songs served as a satisfying setlist with a beautiful encore.
1. A Lack of Color
2. I Will Possess Your Heart
3. Crooked Teeth
4. We Laugh Indoors
5. Photobooth
6. Doors Unlocked and Open
7. Long Division
8. Grapevine Fires
9. Codes and Keys
10. What Sarah Said
11. I Will Follow You Into The Dark
12. Title And Registration
13. You Are A Tourist
14. The New Year
15. Company Calls
16. Company Calls Epilogue
17. Soul Meets Body
18. Cath...
19. We Looked Like Giants
20. The Sound of SettlingEncore:
21. Home Is A Fire
22. Meet Me On The Equinox
23. A Movie Script Ending
24. Transatlanticism

Among the 24 songs, my all-time favorites would be 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, and 24. I remembered the first time I fell inlove with these songs. Soul Meets Body inspired me to write poems (one with the same title) after a long overhaul of school works. A Movie Script Ending served as my 2010 ending song. Transatlanticism has always been the song that gives me chills, various thoughts, and tears. Yes, I did have semi-teary eyes during that song because I was thinking of God and *whoishe?* (Hahaha! Hello God! Hello whoever you are! Hello, semi-smudged eyes! XD). Honestly, I wondered what it could have been like if I was watching the concert with him. Instead of balancing myself in the railings, I could be sitting on his shoulder. So Mr. Tall Guy, I need you so much closer! Please come soon. (((((:
Seriously now, whether you have watched it with a friend or with a love one, it doesn't really matter. Though the latter could really be awesome, it was still our own experiences that would still make us love the band and their music or the other way around. Truthfully, I have never watched an emo rock band live who could make the audience dance until tonight (Thanks to Seth Cohen for introducing them to me at The OC!). Most of their songs had awesome intros, catchy and upbeat melodies and tones, beautiful verses, and an unexplainable feeling which fans usually experience whenever they listen to them. DCFC sounded more awesome live!
I am glad I never let this concert pass. Thank you for coming to Manila, DCFC! Another concert attended from my #20bandsilove list..... Compilation of videos coming up soon.....
Thank you for this break, opportunity, guidance, and provision, Lord!
Thank you for this break, opportunity, guidance, and provision, Lord!